J. Cook and M. Drager: Waikiki, Hawaii
Live in Concert at The Crow's Nest
Some of you will immediately recognize the photo of us onstage in the Jolly Roger Crow’s Nest in Waikiki, Hawaii. We went by the name, Blue Kangaroo, of course, and enjoyed the hell out of a 21+ year run in the Crow’s Nest alone. We (Mike Drager and Jay Cook) started out in the California Bay Area in 1964 in a place in Oakland called the Grand Prix
Unfortunately, a half to two thirds of all the email inquiries I received over the last few years are lost. Folks have either changed their email addresses or croaked.Hopefully, just the former. Five of the original six albums are available as physical CDs. I’m going to be adding some U-tube videos of some of the old stuff in addition to some new material I’m working on. Don’t be afraid to pass the word.